Title: Metal doped BiOI based photocatalyst for the degradation of antibiotics and bacteria


Tetracycline (TC) is one of the most commonly used broad-spectrum antibiotics to treat bacterial infection. TC antibiotics enter into the environment because of partial metabolism in humans and animals, thereby increasing environmental toxicity. Therefore, it is highly needed to treat TC antibiotics from the water system. In this aspect, the present work focus on the synthesis of metals incorporated bismuth-oxy-iodide (M-BiOI) based photocatalyst materials by varying metal and amount of metals. Figure. 1 shows the schematic representation of the M-BiOI based photocatalyst material. The incorporation of the metals within the BiOI aided advantages that decrease the band gap value. Interestingly, incorporation of the metals within the BiOI increases the oxygen defects, thereby high photo-degradation ability. The prepared M-BiOI based photocatalyst efficiently degrade antibiotics from water. The photocatalytic activity against bacteria of the M-BiOI was also determined. The data suggested that the prepared M-BiOI based photocatalyst materials efficiently inhibit bacterial strains. Therefore, the prepared M-BiOI based photocatalyst materials shows potential ability for efficient degradation of antibiotics compounds as well as bacteria.

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