Title: Management of public and environmental health using probable engineered protocols to control the airborne transmission of viral-cum-atmospheric pollutants


The last few decades have shown that public health is directly associated with environmental health. Environmental fitness depends on the rate of atmospheric revival. Air pollution including particulate and gaseous emission is one of the primary causes of several human health hazards, thus hindering the sustainability and biodiversity of our mother planet. The polluted air pathway can be even more dangerous medium for the transmission of several deadly and infectious health syndromes. Presently the entire world is suffering from the global fever of novel coronavirus. There are huge scientific evidences till date, which proves that such novel virus or virus of its kind can easily spread through several indoor and outdoor atmospheric routes in form of the aerosol molecule. Moreover, it is quite essential to demarcate the sources and root causes of such atmospheric hazards, leading to potential threats in form of such emerging unknown airborne disease transmission. The research societies have already made us aware of the combined effects of such biochemical hazards leading to casualties. This might lead to chronic as well as acute health syndrome, thus unbalancing the equilibrium of several life forms and our ecology. Prolonged exposure to such airborne virus adhered to air particulates might impose severe alert even during the post-pandemic situation. So it is high time to deal with the feasible preventive measures over hazardous air pollution and associated atmospheric viral transfer. Some of the best possible and available chemical engineered processes like the scrubbing technologies in the wet and dry state can operate efficiently with an associated low-cost disinfection technology to combat the global problem. Such green-engineered-technologies will work quite efficiently even during the pre, post-pandemic situation for complete removal of target materials. These possible suggestions help in proper environmental surveillance thus monitoring the further spread of air pollutants and biohazards globally.


Subhrajit Mukherjee is presently working as a Doctoral Research Scholar (SRF) at the Environmental or Industrial Pollution Control Laboratory at the Department of Chemical Engineering in IIT Kharagpur. He has previously completed his M. Tech. from the same department at the multi-phase fluid flow laboratory in IIT Kharagpur, where he was mainly involved in the specific research related to process intensification and two-phase flow in millichannels. His present research is mainly associated with air pollution control cum environmental health, management of hazardous materials, advancement in scrubbing technologies, recycling-cum-reutilization of wastes at low cost, etc. He has published several remarkable research outputs in form of conference papers as well as peer-reviewed journals in the above specific fields. He acts as a life member and life associate member of prestigious academic bodies like the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IICHE), International Environment Forum (IEF), Institution of Engineers (IEI), International Association of Engineers (IAEng), and many more.

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