Title: Assessing and reducing the risk for burnout with the Bar-On multifactor measure of performance


Objectives: In this presentation, we will describe the application of the Bar-On Multifactor Measure of Performance (MMP) to assess and reduce the risk for burnout (RfB)and help diminish its negative impact on the workplace. Scope and Method: The prevalence of burnout has a well-known negative impact on performance and productivity in the workplace, including its effect on individuals, organizations and on the economy. We will introduce the MMP as our method of choiceto assess and help address this risk. The MMP is a valid and reliable psychometric instrument designed to study, evaluate and enhance human performance.We will first discuss how the MMP is structurally organized to assess and strengthen 18 core factors that contribute to human performance. These multiple contributors to performance are assessed by focusing on the current behavior of the “whole person” based on evaluating the strength and balance of physical, cognitive, personal, social and inspirational factors. Our research findings will demonstrate which core factors have the highest correlation with RfB.A range of statistics were used in examining the degree of correlation between MMP’s 18 core scales and RfB in a North American sample of 3,039 adults. Results: The presenting author will describe and discuss the results obtained to date, indicating which factors appear to be the strongest contributors to RfB. Conclusions: This presentation concludes with the recommendation that comprehensive and scientifically validated assessments, such as the MMP, need to be applied to detect the early signs of burnout and expedite the initiation of intervention when recommended. This is expected to help reduce the negative consequences of this disorder.


Dr. Reuven Bar-On is renowned for his pioneering, highly published and cited work in Emotional Intelligence and the Bar-On EQ-i. He coined the term “EQ” (Emotional Quotient) in 1985. Dr. Bar-On and Dr. Fiedeldey-Van Dijk co-developed the current version of the Bar-On Multifactor Measure of Performance (MMP) and co-founded Into Performance ULC. Prior to the MMP, Dr. Bar-On has created 10 other psychological tests since 1978. His contribution to psychology is described in Wikipedia. Dr. Bar-On is an Associate Editor in the Organizational Psychology Section of Frontiers in Psychology, Honorary Commissioner at the National Command and Staff College (NCSC) in the US, and a Senior Researcher at the National Institute for Regulation of Emergency and Disaster (NIRED) in Israel. Dr. Bar-On has worked with prominent scholars and organizations, and he has a comprehensive and well-cited publication record. Helived and worked in several countries throughout his career. Reuven was born in the US, and currently resides in Israel.

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