Angela Buffenn


The program had an excellent speakers from different parts of the world, who are experts in their field. The meeting definitely contributes to the professional development of all presenters. Peers Alley Media, Canada did a great job selecting speakers for the event. Thank you.

Steven Loh


Let me first start off with congratulations to the team for organizing this successful event The quality of talks is reasonably good with a mix of diversities, that in my opinion, benefits participants and audiences who come from various fields This selection is in-line with current trend of cross discipline exploration and research collaborations For the reason above, I feel that this conference provided eye-opening experience and raised interesting ideas that may help in my work Peers Alley Media, Canada did a remarkably good job and I wish to thank you all for your great effort Thank you for the great job once again, cheers to all

Jessie Childs


The conference was good and the quality was great.

Monica Benvenuto


Thank you for the wonderful opportunity The conference was very interesting and the quality of the talk was very high I have enjoyed the conference It was a great experience to listen to the studies and thoughts of researchers all over the world Thanks to Peers Alley Media Canada for providing this platform to share my research with other researchers with diverse expertise in medicine

Marina F Gubkina


Thank you for the opportunity to share my knowledge with a broad audience I should note the high level of organization at each stage of the conference accuracy and perfect coordination at the preparation stage,rapid access to all necessary information, high quality of conference materials programme,collection of abstracts Multidisciplinary presentations and a wide range of represented countries has raised interest to the conference, allowed expanding scientific horizons and hoping that scientific collaboration between different countries for the health of humans will remain beyond political differences of the countries

Jorge Mandl Stangl


First of all, my sincere congratulations to thewhole team for their organisational efforts,both in Canada and in London I understandhow difficult it is to organize and run suchevents, especially in difficult times like theseAs for the quality of the presentations all wereconcise, clear, cohesive and on timeUndoubtedly, the great expertise of thespeakers and the diversity of topics covered,allowed us to increase the knowledge for ourprofessional lifeI think the best was the diversity in the selectionof participants Normally such conferences endup with a program focused on medical careThis was not the case at Future of PMPH 2022,where the multi-diplinarity of public healthwas the north of the program Another goodthing that I think should be highlighted wasthe inclusion of the abstracts in the programinformation booklet, which allowed us toprepare our questions and doubts well inadvance

Aissetu Barry Ibrahima


Thank you so much for the acknowledgement and recognition. It was a great conference. The diversity of speakers in every way has been enriching by itself. Great Work! I wish I was able to attend it face to face. It would have been phenomenal!!!

Roberto Sanchez


Personally, it has been very rewarding for me,especially when I am close to my retirement asan academic Together with my wife we hada wonderful stay in London, at a very specialstage of our livesThe organization and team of Peers AlleyMedia, who assisted us, were very friendly andprofessional My congratulations

Peter Walton


I presented a paper at the 2nd InternationalConference on the Future of PreventiveMedicine and Public Health held in Londonin March 2022 The quality of the talkswas outstanding, and the themes which werecovered were wide-ranging All the talks wereof great interestThe conference certainly contributes toprofessional formation and offers ampleopportunity to meet and exchange ideas withothers working in related fieldsPeers Alley Media organised the event withprofessionalism and competence It was apleasure to be able to attend

Oliva Maria Eugenia


The quality of talks are very interesting.

 Christoph Lutge


It was a great conference!

Jungyoon Choi


Im quite satisfied with the quality of talks atPMPH 2022Despite all the difficulties, full assistance wasgiven by the management and made me feelconfident And I enjoyed the meetingAlthough I participated in this conferencevia virtual meeting, the global connectionencouraged me Also, presenting and sharingopinions with global experts could contributeto my professional development I reallyappreciate this opportunityYes, Im quite satisfied with talks and sharingideas about public health in diverse topics fromall over the world Thank you so muchIm so honored to be invited to this PMPH, andgrateful to be the recipient of this awardI really enjoyed this conference and lookforward to the future PMPH also Thank you somuch for all your support

Supattra Changsuphan


The conference achieved its objectives and wasvaluable to support healthcare professionalsOverview, the knowledge can guide the ideato contribute to healthcare professionals jobsMany topics are related to my field, and Ican apply the idea to my job For example,engagement of care for older adults and thecare program for preventing and caring in theinstitute and communityPeers Alley Media, Canada, did a greatconference The speakers have moreexperience related to their fields That is niceto have speakers from any part of the worldto share

Yu Ju Julia Huang


First of all, I would like to address that this conference is a great event and provides a platform for people from public health and prevention medicine to share their research, clinical observations, and cases with people around the world I did enjoy the participation and learned from other scholars The talks are good I appreciate the conference committee arranged diverse topics to present The facilitator did a great job in connecting the presentations

Mahmoud Rokaya


They were excellent however the diversitywas extreme considering my domain and thedomain of most talks were from medicine andrelated fieldsIt is very far from my own topic, howeverlistening to people from outside the domainmight give very excellent ideas to go aheadNo comment, all are excellent in their domainVery good achievement

Qinwei Fu


Many thanks for your invitation and ask. It’s my first time to attend international conference, and I think the Future of PMPH 2022 is perfect. To be honest, it’s good for me, which provided me with knowledge of new advances.

Joana Filipa Barbosa Teixeira


PMPH2022 combined renowned researchers,scientists and students to exchange ideas, topresent sophisticated research works and todiscuss hot topics and share their experienceson all aspects of Preventive Medicine andPublic Health This conference presented awide variety program consisting of lecturescovering all topics in Preventive Medicine andPublic HealthThis event aimed to attract global participantspromoting the sharing, exchanging andexploring of new developments of PreventiveMedicine and Public Health Moreover, theconference offers a valuable platform tocreate new contacts in this field, by providingvaluable networking time for the participantsto exchange contactsThe lectures presented different appealingsubjects that motivated the audience for abeneficial discussion with the speakerHope to see you next year

Nu Quy Linh Tran


I only joined two half days of the conferenceIn my opinion, the virtual conference wasorganized well, on time, and follow thetimetable The speakers came from differentfields and they had shared many interestingtopics The speakers had well prepared theirslides and had great speakingI had opportunities to listen to many hot andinteresting topics, especially in economic,health, and social recovery after the Covid-19pandemic After the conference, I have someideas for my future research ideasThe speakers were well selected and theyare experts in their fields They had greatpresentationsThank you for your support and hope to seeyou at the 2023 conference

Xiaolei Liu


The quality of talks at Future of PMPH 2022 are good. Got some experience in the conference sharing. Peers Alley Media, Canada, did a good job.

Kathy Shum


Thank you for coordinating the conference.The logistics arrangements were well managed.

Gunjan Bahuguna


Thank you so much for inviting me as a speaker at the 2nd International Conference on Future of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 2022 The quality of the talks was extremely good,than you for this academic fest I definitely look forward to it in the future and pass is on to my colleagues as well Thank you so much and many congratulations for making it a great success

Avinash Hanbe Rajanna


The selected talks where excellent.

Sonika Sangra


The quality of talks were very interesting and learned a lot. This kind of conference with sharing platform at international level leads to the professional enhancement at every level. Peers Alley Media done an excellent job.

Ashraf Mansour


The quality of the conference is excellent because I learned new knowledge from different aspects of medicine.

Deepa Selvi Rani


The quality of talks at Future of PMPH 2022 are very good.

Mahla Daliri B O


Thank you so much for holding this great event. Almost all presentations were high quality talks. I have learned a lot about different aspects and vast range of health activities and research in preventive medicine and public health.

Anna Seitero


Thank you,the conference gave me an opportunity to present my research and practice and develop skills This was my first international conference and in my opinion,the quality of the presentations was good and I enjoyed to listening to the presentations

Zdzislaw Kieliszek


Very high.All the papers were very interesting and the topics raised were topical.

Maria Velana


It is an honour to be invited to participate inthe international conference Future of PMPH2022 and I was delighted to be there Thequality of talks and above all, the humanqualities of the researchers who introducedtheir studies and shared their experiences withthe audience, contributed to the success of thisevent Furthermore, the commitment and theefficiency of the organization committee wasreally exceptional, as they were always readyto help the participants with any issue theyencountered Overall, it was a very positiveexperience and I look forward to the nexteventThanks again for hosting this wonderfulconference

Yu Ju Julia Huang


I like the missions and purposes of the Future of PMPH. I strongly support and agree with them. I also believe the conference committee could create an international platform for people to discuss research and hot issues from the channel that has been created by your institute and develop their professional competence. The Peers Alley Media Canada did an excellent job arranging speakers and topics for the sessions. It is very challenging to organize the people worldwide and set their presentations at times suitable for them. I appreciate that my presentation time was arranged at noon in my local time. My energy was great to present.

Yu Ju Julia Huang


I look forward to participating in future events with your institution. It has been my honor to be invited to present at the conference. Thank you very much for your coordination of the event and for supporting my presentation throughout the whole process. I look forward to participating in the conference again or events with your institute in the near future.

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