Title: AI based drug discovery model for corona virus


The growth of corona virus pandemic, popularly called as COVID-19, has imposed life threatening conditions all over the world. Many ardent researchers, medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies are trying their level best to provide means and solution in order to fight with the current COVID-19 situation, but are yet to achieve success. As we know corona viruses are a group of related RNA viruses that causes respiratory tract infections ranging from mild to lethal. The prominent features of the virus identified ranges from basic symptoms like cough, sneeze, sore throat and nasal choke to deadly respiratory blockage depending upon the physical conditions of the body shows its growth and affect. The research project aims at studying the various features of corona virus from the collected sample test cases and identify the features responsible for the multiplication of the corona viruses. It also aims to conduct an analysis of various other factors effecting it and subsequently identification of the treatable stage for a corona virus infected patients.

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