The disruption caused by the current Covid-19 pandemic has caused various types of impacts on the multiple dimensions of society and human life. These have required a significant adjustment to normal life. We have now settled into a “new normal life” which includes social distancing, wearing face masks, changes to working and learning lifestyles to maintain a stable and safe existence during this highly disruptive period. Although the government or administration of each country is working diligently to cope with huge challenges in the context of the ongoing health crisis, they are facing serious limitations and difficulties. As a result, many people are frustrated, suffering, and feel unsettled in their uncertain and unpredictable lives. They are not fully engaging in or enjoying their life. Indeed, there is a great deal of variability among people's optimal lifestyles. Some of their concerns and fundamental differences include cultural and beliefs, educational backgrounds, physical health conditions, differences in psychological states, marginalized groups of people, social and financial support, environmental, and technology. The ongoing effects of Covid-19 have affected the lifestyles of people who now live a new normal life. Healthcare teams have created a new culture of care. The number of protocols or interventions provided for patients by healthcare institutes and communities has promoted knowledge about healthy lifestyles, psychological responses, and suffering, etc. Even though healthcare professionals and researchers have tried to create innovative care systems during Covid-19, some people are limited by applications, processes, or care platforms. The critical factor that may interrupt client engagement is their perception of roles and responses. Healthcare professionals and researchers have provided effective care programs appropriate for clients and their social conditions during each phase of the Covid-19 crisis. It is essential to consider and deeply understand that programs account for their ability to engage people's needs.