Title: Environmental statistics and analytics research for preventive medicine and healthcare


The recent Coronavirus pandemic brought up the importance of using preventive medicine such as vaccination and keeping your environment clean. Contaminated environment puts everyone at risk, but the risk is higher for certain age or prior illness categories. Big data provided from the hospitals allows us to recognize and analysis trends, patterns, exceptions and categories. Analytics research can shed light on the cause-effect factors and may be used in what-if analysis. Machine learning, which is a branch of artificial intelligence, and heuristic algorithms, may be used to facilitate the discovery of relevant factors in dynamic circumstances. Online libraries of books and papers and large-scale database will be added in the future. Enviroble is a social network platform for environmental information and exchange of ideas. A website and app has been developed and is launched by the authors. Many users, which include environmental activists and students, and many organizations, which include vendors and charities, have already joined the platform. They form and join groups on specific topics where they share knowledge and learn from other groups. Data is gathered and stored for analysis and research on various topics, including environmental and healthcare topics. Related research papers and projects are shared on the platform as well. Further development is expected in the research and statistics topics leading to description, prediction, and prescription.

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