Title: Continues remote monitoring of critically ill COVID 19 patients (C3 study): A Predictor of outcome


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has overwhelmed the existing healthcare infrastructure in many parts of the world. Healthcare professionals are not only over-burdened but also at a high risk of nosocomial transmission from COVID-19 patients Remote monitoring of COVID-19 patients with non-serious symptoms can help reduce the burden on healthcare facilities. In this pandemic situation, health monitoring is getting significant consideration in the field of healthcare and as a result, it has emerged as a key area of interest in recent times. Measurement of vital signs in hospitalized patients is necessary to assess the clinical situation of the patient. Early warning scores (EWS), such as the modified early warning score (MEWS), are generally calculated 3 times a day, but these may not capture early deterioration. Continuous monitoring with wearable devices might detect clinical deterioration at an earlier stage, which allows clinicians to take corrective actions. Methodology: Ballistocardiography is a non-invasive method based on the measurement of the body motion generated by the ejection of the blood at each cardiac cycle. Dozee Early Warning System (DEWS): DEWS is an overall score for risk assessment of the physiological status of a person. It is a cumulative score of risk levels of physiological parameters like HR, RR and SPo2, which acts as an early predictor for possible physiological decline. Result: Total 39 subjects were observed where 24 of the subjects were Male and 15 Female and the average duration of stay at the hospital was 5 days. The outcome of 10 patients was death and 29 patients were discharged after recovery. Conclusion: The discharged patients showed a decrease in the DEWS score, especially Breathing DEWS before they recovered(Figure 1). However, the expired patients showed steady increase or a stagnant high Breathing dews until time of death.


Dr Avinash Hanbe Rajanna has completed his MD internal medicine at the age of 29 years from Rajiv Gandhi university of health and sciences, india. He is the Assistant professor in department of internal medicine, BMCRI, bangalore. He has published more than 15 papers in reputed journals.

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