Subhrajit Mukherjee


It was really a great experience to be a part of such a wonderful international conference, The Future of PMPH 2021. I consider myself very minimal in front of such high impactful & notable jury of people invited as honorable speaker. The vast quality and distributed field of eminent researchers were the main source of inspiration for the spectators or audiences. I think this actually helped everyone to gather huge knowledge unknown & interesting facts during this pandemic situation. I feel this level of conferences should be taken forward for the betterment of mankind as well as society. Moreover, it will actually help all of us to relate our own research with medical or healthcare field. I personally appreciate the huge level of support & coordination from your entire PMPH team management. PMPH service should be applauded in all formats. Really great work done during such tough times. It was a great pleasure to contribute minimum from my end. I am also interested and looking forward to attend such conferences by the Peers Alley Media in the upcoming days. Thanking you.

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